MiniLyrics for Windows

MiniLyrics for windows XP, Windows 7, etc.

Download MiniLyrics for Windows

Installation instructions

MiniLyrics is the most easy-to-use lyrics plugin software. It's very easy to install and use.

  1. Download MiniLyrics
  2. Install MiniLyrics
  3. Run your player and play your favorite tracks
  4. Lyrics will be showed up automatically

If you are using Zune, Spotify, Album Player, Helium Music Manager, JetAudio, you need to start MiniLyrics manually. Please click Windows 'Start' button >' 'All Programs' >' 'MiniLyrics' >' 'MiniLyrics'.

Specific setting for VLC Media Player
Specific setting for XMPlay

If you got problems when you install or update MiniLyrics, please see Help.